









Site info



Development for STE


Tracker on STE





Dpaint course  

16 colours thoughts



STE Documentation


Special STE Tricks

Devkit for PC owners



STE documentation


Assembled after depressing hours of experiments and tests that did usually not work out as planned by :

The Paranoid



Think you can handle it ?!

(of the Lunatic Asylum)




The Atari STE is, without a doubt, a nice machine. It has so many features the Atari ST lacked:

- 4096 instead of 512 colours

- Horizontal and Vertical hardware scrolling

  (also called hardware windowing of large virtual screens)

- Blitter

- 8 Bit DMA stereo sound

  (Up to 50 KHz replay rate)

- National LMC 1992 soundchip, connected over Microwire serial port

  Treble, Bass, Left/Right/Main Volume Control

- 256KB EPROM containing the TOS, socketed

- 4 30-pin SIMM-slots, up to 4 MB RAM

- Extended and analogue capable joystick ports


Unfortunately, you will pretty soon find out that the STE also contains a lot - and i mean a lot - of pitfalls.Whatever feature of the STE you want to use, it will either not work as planned or require special treatment. If it works as planned and does not require special treatment, it will definetly not work on the TT or the Falcon. So this documentation is just a little compilation of the usual traps especially programming beginners might step in and how to dodge these traps.


This documentation is given on an "as is" basis. Paranoia does not give any warranties about correctness about the given information here. We can not be held responsible for any loss of data, damage to your hardware or whatever might happen to you, your software or your hardware after reading this document. Every chapter will describe the special registers for a certain feature and afterwards list the traps you should look out for.


In the bitset tables, "0" means this bit cannot be set and is automatically assumed "0", "1" means this bit cannot be set and is automatically read as "1", "X" means it can be read/written and can feature "0" or "1". In the Tables, "yes" means this register exists in the model mentioned while "no" means that this register does not exist. "ro" means "read only" and refers to a register that cannot be written to, "rw" means "read/write" and declares a register that can be read as well as written to.


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This site has no commercial intention. It is dedicated to the old Atari computers and has nothing to do with the new Atari-Label owned by Infogrames!

Last update 12.07.06